Sunday, April 10, 2011

Randomness of 2011, Thus Far

Isn't it awesome to see those days tick down? I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions a lot lately. Keep working...let's get this baby here soon! I'm so ready to be done! (Well, I guess we still need to pick out a name and I haven't packed my hospital bag yet...) I was just looking at Evelynn's birth pictures and thought that it would have been a great April Fool's joke to post one of her on here...too bad I'm 10 days late on that one! But here is a look back in time...I just love how gentle and full of love Colden and Dylan are with their brand new sister. I can't wait to see that love in my family again! (They've been getting out of control a little lately....)

My Aunt Rae and Uncle Richard visited us in February. It was fun just catching up with them, and it made us feel special that they took a day just to see us! They're great!

Colden lost his first tooth on February 13th. What a happy kid!

The boys made twin snowmen during one of our few snow storms (we just had another snowstorm just April!)

Rob ran the Ragnar Relay in February. It's close to a 200 mile race with 16? people on the team who take turns running legs of the race. As a team, they literally ran around the clock! We met up with him in Phoenix at the start of one of his legs...then we missed him at the finish line! (Ikea shopping just took a little more time than always?) He ran with a group that had a lot of couples in it. It looked like a lot of fun to do, so I'm hoping to get in shape after this baby comes and join him next year! It's a goal!

Colden's new pet..."Beardie"...his bearded dragon. (He bought it at the end of January.)

Now look how big it's getting! He really loves this pet and takes good care of him. Sometimes he tires of the responsibility, but then he'll hold him and play with him and just exclaim with joy how much he loves the little creature. I'll admit, even though it's a lizard, it's really cute. The only downside is having to also keep live crickets for food.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Fun stuff! I can't wait for that little baby to get here!