Friday, August 12, 2011

Look who's 3!!

I can't believe how quickly my baby girl is growing up!
Well, having another baby really makes my other babies so much bigger.

For Evelynn's birthday, we made birthday pancakes since our waffle iron broke.
After church, we shared a pizza dinner and birthday cake at her cousins' house.
She wanted a purple guitar cake...and I was able to deliver!
On Monday, she requested that we go bowling.
We got there late and bowled until way-past bedtime, but she had a blast!
I tried to upload a video of her darling dancing, but it didn't work.
My dear Evelynn:
I sure love my little girl! I love your energy, your smile, your spunky choice of style. When you look up at me with your beautiful eyes, my heart just melts.
You're 3! Every day is an adventure! You love Kung Fu, hiking, your brothers, teasing your brothers, but not being teased, your new bike, taking baths at least every day, swimming, doing things all by yourself, setting the table, helping me with my chores (sometimes), Nursery, "school" on the computer, drawing, stickers, shopping (that's my girl), baking, friends, running, jumping, screaming, watering the garden, music, dancing, reading books...anything!
One of my favorite things about you is how much you just love LIFE and how much you love being YOU. Just by being you, you bring so much joy to other people. So many people tell me how much they enjoy being with you. And strangers are always telling me how darling you are. It's in your bright eyes, your ready smile, your little energetic body.
Keep smiling, sweetie. I love you!

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