Friday, August 12, 2011

Time Flies!

Towards the end of our Phoenix Zoo trip on July 22, Spencer wasn't particularly enjoying the heat nor the stroller...but I just love a little crying photo!
Spencer at 3 months:
He weighed about 13 lbs. He's generally a really great baby...he only cries when he's tired or hungry or lonely (aka not being held). He sleeps well and eats well (wakes up about once a night now)...and he's all smiles! He doesn't like to sit much or lay down because he prefers to stand, with help. I just love everything about him! And now that I KNOW how fast the time flies, I just try to scoop up all his baby deliciousness whenever I can. We love to coo at each other and just stare in each others' eyes. He just adores everyone in his family. He's pretty good in his car seat as long as he has his brothers making faces at him from the back seat. If they're not there, he's not so happy. Just last Sunday, he was given a name and a blessing by his incredible daddy. (Pictures and more about that later.)

It was really difficult for me to gear up for my 4th pregnancy. I was finally getting my body in shape and I was happy to have kept a decent figure for about a year. I was enjoying a mind that could actually think straight and a household that was running decently. I still had a lot of marketing to do for Rob's business (still do) and I just had accepted a leadership calling in our ward (still have it, although I keep submitting my own name for other callings...the Bishop just isn't getting the hint). I was gearing up for our first official homeschool year. Life was busy (still is). But I just knew it was time to bring another little spirit into our family.
It took awhile, but I had to turn my thoughts around. Instead of thinking of pregnancy and the "4th trimester" of recovery as a wasted year of my life, I started to look at it as a sacrifice for something more valuable than a year of my life...a child. Also, this is the time of my life when I can bear children. Even if it's not convenient, once I'm older, I just won't have the option anymore. My shape will come and go, Rob's business is only until retirement, but creating another life is everlasting. It's eternal. And being sealed, I pray that our family will always be together. It was thoughts and realizations like those that helped me gear up for being pregnant again.

The pregnancy, like always, was not fun. And not just for me (you know...when momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy). But, and I knew this would happen, once he came into our lives, I couldn't imagine our family without him. We all adore our little Spencer! A little Colden look-alike. I'm excited to be his mom and to take a front seat in watching him grow and--become.

1 comment:

Missy said...

He is such a sweetheart. I was so glad we got to meet him. I will get his pics to you soon! Thanks for those nice words of encouragement as I gear up for my 4th!